Tuesday, April 15, 2008

More Prom Mortification: Boo Hoo My Boobs Are Too Big For This Dress

The parents of 25 teenagers in New Orleans are still fuming after their daughters were turned away from entering the prom because their attire was too revealing. The parents are arguing that only those who were well endowed were barred; the smaller-chested were allowed in which constitutes discrimination. And while the gut reaction of many is, “poor me, I’m young and attractive and strutting my stuff and I was discriminated against,” it does raise some legal questions: namely, can the school have a dress code at an off-site prom, and is it discrimination if only the big chested are barred?

Schools are not only allowed to create dress codes for even extracurricular activities, they are well advised to do so. Obviously in the New Orleans case the dress code was too vaguely worded and therefore left people confused about the prohibition on clothing that is too tightly fitting. If you are in doubt, ask for clarification before spending the money on an inappropriate dress. And while being turned away was unfortunate, the fact that clothes that would not be tight fitting on the smaller chested are inappropriate for those better endowed, it is not discrimination when only the big chested are ahem “busted.”

1 comment:

Robin said...

A (small) victory for flat-chested femmes everywhere!